Program Management
Meet Your Cost and Schedule Goals
SPI organizes and manages all phases of large scale, space-related projects. Our global network of space professionals ensure that our clients obtain the best cost and delivery schedules while assuring technical performance, and achieving the highest level of quality.​
We deliver our services in a variety of fashions according to your needs:
Provide turn-key program management;
Help develop custom tailored program management infrastructure and training for start-up companies;
Evaluate and enhance existing program management processes for greater success and continuous improvement.​​

Representative Projects
Program Planning
Performance Measurement and Controls
Critical Path Method
Stochastic Schedule Forecasting
Incremental Development
Spiral Development
Risk / Opportunity Management
Distressed Program Troubleshooting & Remediation
Prime contracting for the inaugural space system, "Bangabandhu-1" for the country of Bangladesh
Space Segment Procurement for"Aurora-4" Pacific Dataport Inc.
For more examples refer to our News Blog.